Get a glimpse of rural village life

Once your city-based placement has finished, you can go even deeper into the overseas experience by living local life in a rural village for a week.


You’ll spend your mornings in a rural healthcare setting and see how local healthcare workers cope with an often extreme lack of resources. And you’ll spend your afternoons immersing yourself in local culture and making once-in-a-lifetime travel memories.

You get:

  • A 5-day clinical placement in a rural healthcare setting
  • Opportunity for cultural trips and activities in the afternoons
  • A dedicated Work the World village guide
  • Catered accommodation
  • Transport to and from the village
  • + More

Get rare clinical experience

You'll travel to the village with your official Work the World guide. When you arrive you'll meet the family you'll be staying with, then have a chance to settle in.

You'll visit the local health outpost, clinic or rural hospital each morning — this varies depending on which destination you’ve chosen. And here you'll see for yourself the challenges local staff face when trying to deliver care for their patients.


Make once-in-a-lifetime travel memories

Each afternoon, you're free immerse yourself in local life to get a better understanding of culture and beliefs, and how people earn a living.

You'll also get the chance to have memory-worthy travel experiences.

Depending on which destination you choose, you could:

  • Go island hopping to meet different local tribes
  • Swim in waterfalls
  • Help local fishermen bring in the day’s catch
  • Hike to mountain temples
  • Visit village shaman to see traditional medicine

Village Experience Cost: $990 AUD


Ayurveda Experience

Ayurveda, or ‘tree medicine’, is a 5000-year-old healing art passed down through generations. You can add this Ayurveda Experience to the end of your trip once you have finished your city-based placement (only available in Sri Lanka).

You’ll head to the nearby Ayurveda clinic each morning and see how the local master creates traditional medicines from plants and tree barks gathered from the surrounding forest.

In the afternoons you're free to try a wild elephant safari, tour beautiful local paddy fields, explore jungle river networks by canoe, and cool off with an evening swim in the nearby lake — an amazing way to take in a sunset.

Ayurveda Experience COST: $990 AUD